Pass Your


The Easy Way


A New Way To Study

Pass Your GROL License Test builds on the successful "Easy Way" series of Amateur Radio license manuals.Other commercial radio license study books take you through the questions and all possible answers on the multiple choice test. The problem with that approach is that you must read three wrong answers for every one right answer. That's 432 wrong answers and 144 right answers for GROL Element 1 and 1,800 wrong answers and 600 right answers for Element 3. Why study 2,232 wrong answers?

Our Unique Approach

The unique "Easy Way" approach has four elements

First, you never see the wrong answers so the right answer should pop out on the test. Why study the multiple-choice wrong answers?

Second, the text explains the answers using plain English.

Third, a summary at the end of each Subelement contains a bullet version of every question or concept to reinforce your memory.

Fourth, many of the questions and answers are long-winded and involved. They are full of unnecessary information you do not need to get the correct answer. Sometimes, all you need do is tie two words together. Often, the question contains a clue to the correct answer. Hints and cheats help you decipher the question and reveal the hidden answer.

Complete Coverage

This study guide contains complete coverage of both Element 1: Marine Radio Operator and Element 3: General Radiotelephone Operator.

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Explore other books available in "The Easy Way" series of amateur radio guides.

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